Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Once a month
we help run a program
for kids living in the neighborhood
around our church.

This month our craft was making
palm crosses since
Palm Sunday is coming up.
I used palms from our yard &
taught all the kids how to fold them 
into these crosses.
They loved it!

I'll be away visiting my sister (yay!) for several days, 
but look for lots of new photos next week.

In the meantime, I've uploaded tons of old
photos onto Flickr.
Some of them have been posted on the blog
but some have just been hanging out on my memory cards.

Feel free to check them out!

1 comment:

Diana Mieczan said...

How wonderful. Have fun with your sister, darling

Ps: I’m hosting a charming necklace GIVEAWAY today! Hope you’ll join in:)